We can’t believe it, but it’s true!
How’s that for a click-bait subject line/title? Pretty good right? And I wrote it myself, didn’t even use AI at all!
But what does it MEAN?
Well, as you know last year I (finally) released the first 5 issues of Jonly Nonly through Kickstarter. (Did you miss the campaign? You can pick them all up here, here, here, here, and here. Or the collected book here. Or go here to see all the Jonly Nonly amazingness.)
I was sitting in my castle dungeon thinking How can I get new people to understand and love the crazy that is Jonly Nonly? This thing started as a web-comic. That’s it! I’ll release the pages from the comic as a web-comic. One page a day! Brilliant!
Starting on January 1, 2025 I have been releasing the pages to Jonly Nonly #1: Something, Something First Book over at the y2cl.net Web-Comics site. (Click here for the Jonly Nonly page. Click here for the first page of this nonsense.)
Why am I doing this? Read above, it’s to get people interested and to find new readers! This means that of the five issues that are out, posting them once a day (one issue per month), starting in June I will be able to release Jonly Nonly #6: A Lesson Learned. The first book in chapter two: Unfavorable Reactions from Dramtis Personae! Here’s a preview of the cover to the collected book!
So June through October we will get issues six through ten, then run a Kickstarter campaign for a collected print version of those issues! I’m hoping to have print version os each issue already available by the end of the month said issue publishes online. Wish me luck!
Until next time, Jonly…I mean J out! (but not of the closet)